

The Cultural Center of Spain in Costa Rica has a training program for entrepreneurs in the creative industry. However, once the training was completed, there was no space to publicize these companies. For this reason we proposed to create Hilvana, a website to promote cultural commerce in Costa Rica.

“Create a space to, not only publicize the products and services of creative industry entrepreneurs, but also to show their history and human value.”

My role

  • UX/UI
  • Interaction design
  • Web builder
  • Website animations


We worked together with the entrepreneurs to create content that would allow them to show their full potential and that would be valuable to the clients.

I decided to develop a content first strategy and keep content to a minimum. This strategy helped me to simplify the reading and lower the cognitive load of the website. It also helped me make the design and development process more optimal.

I also emphasized the social aspect of the site by encouraging the relationship between potential customers and entrepreneurs through access to their social networks and buttons to share and like.

  • Content first
  • Mobile first
  • Social
  • Responsive


I designed early prototypes to communicate ideas with the team, test typography and validate the experience and functionality indifferent devices. These prototypes also allowed the entrepreneurs to visualize how the content they wrote would look on the website.

Look and feel

We developed an interface that emphasizes the creative element with animated graphic resources and characters. I applied motion design in the main interactions and in the information display. The final result is a dynamic experience.

Website building

As a UI Designer I have a clear idea of how to implement interfaces, interactions and other animations in a website. Being the designer and developer of the product, it is easier to take care of every visual and functional aspect.


Webflow is a browser based prototyping and web building tool aimed directly at designers. It allows you to build fully functional and responsive websites. All the HTML, CSS, Javascript etc. was created in Webflow, with the exception of some pieces of custom code that I implemented.

Final results


This site was an excellent opportunity to reinforce and acquire new knowledge in the field of user interface and web development. The clean layouts allowed me to make the main task transparent at all times. The correct implementation of design patterns allowed me to develop a clear and intuitive navigation.

Main lesson learned

Content is king and mobile first, taking into account these two parameters allowed me to design and develop in a more effective way. Without a doubt this will be a practice that I will continue to implement to improve the mobile experience of my projects.

Next steps

This is a beta version of a website that will evolve into something much bigger. Meanwhile, It is necessary to continue making usability tests and listening to the users’ opinion to improve the site.


CLIENT: Centro Cultural de España en Costa Rica
Aarón Hernández, Antonio Camacho & Juan Pablo Blandón
DIRECTION: Aarón Hernández & Antonio Camacho
UX: Juan Pablo Blandón, Aarón Hernández & Antonio Camacho
UI: Juan Pablo Blandón
CONTENT: Antonio Camacho & Emprendedores
BRANDING: Aarón Hernández & Antonio Camacho
MOTION GRAPHICS: Aarón Hernández & Antonio Camacho
WEB DEVELOPMENT: Juan Pablo Blandón
DATE: June 2020